Did you know that there are many different ways of saying the number 0 (zero) in English? In this blog post I'm going to tell you when to use which version.
Used in tennis. Example: 15 - 0: fifteen - love
In football (and other sports) scores. Example: In the world cup, Germany won against Portugal 4 - 0 (four - nil)
Before the decimal point. Example: 0.75 (nought point seven five)
- After the decimal point. Example: 7.01 (seven point oh one)
- In telephone numbers. Example: My phone number is 07156 307 0228 (oh seven one five six / three oh seven / oh double two eight)
- In years. Example: He was born in 1907 (nineteen oh seven)
- In hotel room numbers. Example: I'm in room 304 (room three oh four)
- In bus numbers. Example: To get to the conference, take bus 502 (bus five oh two)
- When talking about blood types. Example: People with type O Rh negative blood are also called universal donors.
- For the number Example: Is zero an even or odd number?
- For the temperature Example: -10° C (ten degrees below zero)